
Value Added Tax on Own Activities to Build
Effective 22 November 2012

Minister of Finance of Republic of Indonesia has issued a Decree Number 163/PMK.03/2012 dated 22 October 2012 regarding Value Added Tax on “Own Activities to build”, the brief contents:

  1. Space of building is 200M2 or more
  2. VAT Payable is 10% of tax base
  3. Tax base is 20% of expenditure (10%x20%=2%)

The Minister of Finance decree Number 39/PMK.03/2010 is not valid any more (300M2 or more - 10%x40% = 4% - 1 April 2010).

Jakarta, 3 December 2012
OZIMI CONSULTANT  - The Registered Tax Consultant
Konsultan Pajak Terdaftar - Jakarta